Getting involved with St. Simon’s is easy –
we have a variety of needs…
The program runs so efficiently. While this is an extraordinary feat, it still means that each program costs $700/month – or about $350 to care for one student for the entire year.
Each program requires a volunteer responsible for their school. The volunteers check in on the programs two to three times a month and coordinate the two annual parties – Holiday and End-of-Year. The time commitment is minimal and the reward is infinite! Volunteer activities include helping with homework, tutoring and reading.
The program has need for school supplies, games and other sundries. Any ability to contribute to defray the purchasing of the items would be greatly appreciated!
Twice per year the students have a party. St. Simon’s pays for pizza or a similar type treat and also party favors.
To Volunteer, contact – info @
About St. Simon’s
St. Simon’s After-School
P.O. Box 700324
Dallas, TX 75370